Divesites Vilamendhoo
South Ari Atoll Maldives
The number of dive sites on the South Ari atoll in the Maldives is overwhelming. There are around 50 well known dive sites to pick from. You can all reach them from Vilamandhoo Island were we spend our first BrotherDive in 2011.

Dive sites South Ari Atoll (Maldives)
To be honest, there are no ‘bad’ dive sites around Vilamandhoo…. The question is more like; how much of them can you dive in 1 holiday….
Never the less, we do have a couple of ‘ must see’ dive sites here as well:
Rangali Madivaru, 7th heaven, Angaga Thila, Reethi Thila, Dhigurah Arches, Lucky Rock, Broken rock, Orimas Faru, Reethi Thila
Click on the divesites below to show the divesite information

Nurseshark Point
Jackfish Channel
Lilly Beach Channel
Hammerhead Reef
Stingray Corner
Vilamendhoo Thila
Vilamendhoo Caves
Lucky Rock
Kuda Thila
Banana Reef
Orimas Faru
Ranveli Thila
Dhooni Giri
Dangethi South
Reethi Thila
Huddu Thila
Vakarufalhi Thila
Lucky Hell
Kudarah Thila
Tinfushi Thila
Broken Rock
Dhigurah Thila
Dhigurah Arches
Angaga Thila
Hithi Faru
Coral Garden
Mahibadoo Thila
Kuda Giri
Miyaru Thila
Nu Giri
Bapoli Thila
Kudimaa Wreck
7th Heaven
Batfish Reef
Beru Gato Thila
Ranveli Kuda Thila
Al Karim Wreck
Villingili Corner
Rangali Madivaru
Ali Thila
Stingray Reef
Kukulhu Thila
Camel Rock
Vilamendhoo Island