Our personal reviews

On this page you’ll find our personal reviews of our Brotherdive trips. We will give you our honest opinions about the accommodations and dive centers we visited.

On this page you’ll find our personal reviews of our Brotherdive trips. We will give you our honest opinions about the accommodations and dive centers we visited. These reviews are based on our own experience; we do not have any personal benefit publishing these reviews. We are not being paid or what so ever by any organization publishing these reviews!

Note that our ratings are NOT based on the diving locations and conditions !

Brotherdive 2023 - Back to Raja Ampat – West - Papua (Kri Eco resort)

Brotherdive 2022 - Back to Palau - Micronesia (Sea passion hotel)

Brotherdive 2021 - BDE liveaboard Red Sea Aggressor III

Brotherdive 2019 - Part 2 - El Rio Y Mar Resort – Coron

Our review of our BrotherDive 2019 to the Philippines, part 2 the El Rio Y Mar Resort – Coron – Busuanga, Palawan
During the second part of our trip to the Philippines, we stayed in the El Rio Y Mar Resort. This quiet and luxury resort with a private beach is located on Coron Island.

Brotherdive 2019 - Part 1 - Infinity Liveaboard (Tubbataha)

Our review of our BrotherDive 2019 to the Philippines onboard of the Infiniti.
During the first part of our trip to the Philippines, we stayed onboard of the Infiniti. This is a luxurious live aboard vessel that took us to the Tubbataha reefs. We really enjoyed our stay onboard, the ship and the crew are amazing!

Brotherdive 2018 Nabucco Island – Maratua Atoll (Indonesia)

Nabucco Island, a real piece of paradise located within the Maratua Atoll (Borneo – Indonesia)
The resort and the management are absolutely great! Actually we can’t find anything negative about the resort at all, this is the resort you want to reside during your diving holiday.

Brotherdive 2017 Raja Ampat – West - Papua (Indonesia)

We stayed at the Kri Eco resort which is owned and exploited by the (also Dutch born) Max Ammer.
There are 2 resorts owned by Max on Kri Island; Kri Eco Resort and the more luxurious Sorido Bay resort. Both resorts have their own dive center (Papua Diving). Papua Diving was one of the projects Max started to bring much needed money to the local people by on boarding divers to Raja Ampat.

Our (micro) BrotherDive 2016 on Candidasa - Bali - Indonesia.

Here we’ll discus 2 dive centers which cooperated during our stay; ZEN dive Bali and Bambu divers. Bambu divers is owned and managed by the Dutch Gerard Elferink and ZEN diving is managed by the (also Dutch) Jos de Groot. We stayed in the Rama Candidasa resort which is located next to the ZEN diving center.

BrotherDive 2016 - Playa del Carmen - Mexico

In this review we discuss our BrotherDive in Playa del Carmen Mexico. Our accommodation was the Colibri Beach resort, located directly at the beach in Playa del Carmen.
We made all our dives here at the DiveMex diving center which is a small but professional dive center located in the center of Playa del Carmen.

Brotherdive 2015 on Palau - Micronesia-

Palau, Micronesia our 5th BrotherDive adventure.
During our visit to Palau we stayed in the luxurious Palau Royal resort. We actually had 2 diving centers on Palau, the first one was Sam’s tours and only for 1 day because we wanted to join them during the ‘unique Snapper Spawning Expedition’ with Paul Collins. The second (and main) dive center was Fish ‘n Fins.

(Micro) Brotherdive 2014 - Hurghada Egypt

In this review we will only discuss the diving center because we both stayed in different resorts.
We were guests at the‘Tauchen unter Freunden’ diving center which is German for ‘Diving among friends’.
This diving center is managed and owned by the German Ute Renung, she started the divecenter in 1997 with a former friend. This dive center is not new to us, especially not for Edwin, he’s been diving and guiding here for many years.

BrotherDive 2013 (Part 2) - Malaysia (Kapalai / Sipadan)

The second week of our trip to Malaysia we visited the Kapalai Resort. This very luxurious resort is built on the shallow sandbanks of the Ligitan Reefs. This a one of the most beautiful locations we ever visited.
The dive center is owned by the resort and is a professional PADI dive center.

BrotherDive 2013 (Part 1) - Malaysia (Mabul / Sipadan)

Our trip to Malaysia was split up in two parts, the first week we stayed at the Borneo Divers resort on Mabul Island. The resort has around 30 very nice tropical themed chalets.
This basic but very good resort is also the home base of the Borneo Divers dive center, since 1983 one of the pioneers in diving in the ‘Sipadan’ area.

BrotherDive 2012 - Indonesia - Lembeh (North Sulawesi)

The second part of our North Sulawesi trip we stayed at the Bastianos Resort on Lembeh.
Bastianos Lembeh Diving Resort was opened in November 2006 and is located on the west coast of Lembeh Island. We stayed in a ‘standard room’ overlooking the strait directly from our room and balcony.

The resorts and with its own (PADI) dive center were by that time very well managed.

BrotherDive 2012 - Indonesia - Bunaken (North Sulawesi)

Our trip to North Sulawesi was split in two parts, the first part we stayed at the Bastianos Resort on Bunaken. Our accommodation was a so called ‘basic room’ directly on the beach with a great view on ‘Manado Tua’.

The resort owned dive center was by then, operated by a German couple and managed quite well.

BrotherDive 2011 Vilamendhoo Island - South Ari Atoll - Maldives

Our first BrotherDive was on Vilamendhoo Island on the South Ari atoll in the Maldives. The Island contains one luxurious resort.
We stayed in a ‘beach villa’ only a couple of meters from the water.

The dive center on the Island is a Euro Divers center, with a great home base, high service and by that time also very well managed by Mike Cristiani.