Welcome to the official brotherdive website

BrotherDive, an annual diving holiday of 2 Dutch brothers.
On this site we like to share trough photos, videos and our personal stories the beauty of the underwater world with you!

We dive not to escape life, but for life not to escape us!


What's BrotherDive?

Brotherdive is since 2011 an annual diving holiday of the Dutch brothers Marcel and Edwin.

Via this website we like to share our journey’s with the rest of the world.

By sharing, we hope we can show you the beauty of the underwater world and hope to make everyone excited to go diving.

We also like to ask for attention to protect and preserve our underwater environment, because the greatest danger of the underwaterworld is the belief that someone else will save it…



Our latest video

Brotherdive 2023 – Turtle rescue
Kri Island – Raja Ampat – West Papua Dive site: Cape Kri

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